Ksi Lisims LNG project advances to next phase of Assessment process

Press Release
March 20, 2023

The Ksi Lisims LNG project is progressing into the next stage of its Environmental Assessment (EA) following a Readiness Decision from the BC Environmental Assessment Office (BCEAO).

The Readiness Decision is a significant milestone which marks the end of the EA early engagement phase and the start of the EA application phase. Ksi Lisims LNG is now working towards filing an EA application later this year. The application will provide a comprehensive analysis of the project's potential impacts and benefits to ensure it meets B.C.’s standards of environmental responsibility. In the meantime, the project will ramp up consultation and engagement activities to inform the application's development.

Ksi Lisims LNG will be one of the most significant Indigenous-supported industrial developments in Canadian history. The project is an example of economic reconciliation in action: co-developed with the Nisga’a Nation and hosted on land owned by the Nisga’a Lisims Government. Designed to be net-zero ready from day one of operations, the project aligns with the B.C. government's newly announced energy action framework.

“We have worked very hard to ensure our project is capable of achieving net-zero performance,” says Eva Clayton, President of Nisga’a Lisims Government. “We put forward an ambitious action plan for producing net-zero LNG right here at home to help lower global emissions by potentially displacing coal and oil overseas. I am pleased to see the B.C. government’s new LNG framework recognizing what we have long known: that economic reconciliation and net-zero LNG development go hand in hand.”

“The Ksi Lisims project establishes a new blueprint for lower carbon LNG design, and we're confident it will meet British Columbia's high standards,” said Davis Thames, President of Western LNG. “We look forward to collaborating with the B.C. government, BC Hydro, Indigenous nations, and communities in the region. If we all work together to bring projects like this one to fruition, B.C. can certainly lead the world in cleaner energy development.”

“We’re excited about the leading sustainability profile that this project brings to the industry," said Charlotte Raggett, President of Rockies LNG. "Canadian natural gas is less carbon-intensive than gas from most other producing regions, and cleaner than coal. Combined with a net-zero liquefaction facility, natural gas exported from Ksi Lisims LNG is an opportunity to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by potentially displacing higher emitting fuels, or LNG from more carbon-intensive supply regions."

In another positive development, the Government of Canada issued Ksi Lisims LNG a 40-year export license on March 15th. The approval of Canada's Natural Resources Minister formalizes the Canada Energy Regulator's decision from last December.

The project is designed to be the largest net-zero LNG export facility in the world. Once operational, Ksi Lisims LNG will produce 12 million tonnes of LNG per year. It is expected to create thousands of jobs within B.C., and provide substantial financial benefits to the Nisga’a Nation as well as to neighbouring Indigenous nations.

About the Project Proponents

The Nisga’a Nation is a self-governing, modern treaty Nation with significant, defined control of and rights over their lands. They are a founding member of the First Nations Climate Initiative. https://www.nisgaanation.ca

Rockies LNG Partners is a partnership of Canadian natural gas producers formed to advance LNG market access opportunities on the west coast of British Columbia. Rockies LNG’s partners are committed to responsible development of Canadian natural gas resources. http://www.rockieslng.com

Western LNG is based in Houston and Vancouver. The company is an experienced developer and operator of LNG and related energy infrastructure facilities. https://www.westernlng.com

For more information, visit: www.ksilisimslng.com or email: info@ksilisimslng.com  

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